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Why is SEO content important for your website

SEO Process

Imagine craving for a cake and served a pizza!

Will it work? Will your craving stop?


SEO is the tool to satisfy the cravings of the surfer on the internet. Most users on the internet don’t have an exact idea about what they are looking for, especially if the user is shopping!

SEO (Search engine optimization) is the practice of inserting long-tail relevant, related, and highly searched keywords in the content. Spending some time on SEO planning and strategy is worth than repenting over having a lot of content on the website but no traffic.

Let’s see how SEO can bring organic traffic to your website.


Suppose the user is searching for an item called “Jeans.” If you have a perfect keyword density and long-tail keywords, you will have a fair chance of ranking higher on the search engine results. Good rankings on the search engine result page make it easier for users to find your business.


Strategic SEO practicing helps in bringing organic traffic. The SEO will help you get top ranks and bring you more clicks.


Conversion is essential in the process. Just having traffic isn’t worth it, it’s vital to get the leads. Leads transform into prospective clients and thus bring improved ROI.

7 SEO hacks you can do at firsthand before moving to content

Website Changes

Make your web pages easy to optimize by moving images, content, and infographics. Keep it regularly updated, categorized so that it ranks easily.


Try publishing content with proper keywords, information, and density. The quality content with videos, infographics, details, and no grammatical errors is valuable to keep the website functional.

Google my business listing

Make your business listed in google my business. It will bring more credibility and visibility to your website.

Google knowledge graph

Google knowledge graph refers to the side panel, which appears when a user searches for a specific keyword in the search box. It displays all the necessary information about the business. It is a quick way to highlight your business and make someone click on your business.

How to do your website SEO?

Titles with keywords

The keywords should be 65-75 characters and must contain the keyword. Every page of the website should have a keyword to stay high on the user’s search list. The title should be:

  1. Compelling
  2. Short
  3. Accurate

Meta description

A meta description is a small detail that appears below the main title. It’s usually related to the keyword and contains information to which a user is most likely to get attracted.

Inbound and Outbound linking

The content should have many inbound and outbound links. Linking is essential to trace the reader to your webpage. For example, when you write blogs on your website, ensure linking them to other similar pages on the site. So, that user spends more time on your platform.

Keep URL clear

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the address that appears in the address bar. Anything that clutters the URL makes it look untrustworthy, noncredible, and insecure. For example, something like “6782920908387&” in URL is unfit. Include keyword to improve your Google rankings and SEO strategy.

SEO is the fuel needed to make run your visibility in online space. If you are looking to grab the maximum potential of fast-expanding online space, you need well-strategized SEO.

Sign up to a trusted SEO partner to plan out high SERP and many views and prospective clients!

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