Freelancing gives you flexibility and freedom to work according to your comfort. The power to work for yourself from any corner of the world is boon. But, as spiderman said, with great power comes great responsibility!
Being on schedule and keeping track of the deadlines might become complicated once you are on your own. To stay loyal to deadlines here, we have curated a list of apps that will keep you on top of your game.
What are the top 8 apps freelance writers must have to stay relevant in 2025?
Grammarly – Writing & Editing app
A writer is as good as his language. For a perfectly clean and correct copy, Grammarly is a perfect app. Besides grammar, the app provides suggestions for polishing the writing. One can also check plagiarism using Grammarly.
Having many projects and different modes, patterns of payments is an uphill task to manage. Many times managing accounts might take more time than delivering assignments. Technology has made keeping accounts convenient with handy apps.
Quick Books Self Employed
Quick books self-employed is a pro solution to keep payments tracked. You need to link your account, and you are ready to track your gains. Set margins and the app will regularly deduct taxes and estimate the total finance. Merely, logging into the account in a week will balance all your financial needs.
Apps to boost productivity
Zen Pen or ZenWriter
Working from home is a challenging task!
Many other small activities are going around. If you are struggling with any such scenario, then this app is made just for you. Here, you get a blank page with only a few fonts and linking options. There are no ads and breaks to disturb you. You can sign up for a paid ZenWriter version, soft music in the background, which refreshes your mood to work and stay focused for a longer duration.
Most freelance workers charge on a per hour basis. But, keeping a record of the number of hours is extremely difficult. To remain transparent and as a proof of billable hours, this is a perfect app to consider. Here you get a clean report to send to your client to tell him/her about the number of hours spent on each task.
A lot of freelancers spend more hours tracking work instead of finishing it, which is a huge waste of time. Hubstaff automates time tracking and productivity monitoring so you can get more done. It shows you productivity metrics like activity levels and the time you spend on different apps and websites.
In addition to work tracking, Hubstaff lets you set bill rates, invoice clients, and accept payments all from the same app for a streamlined freelancing experience.
Management apps
Freelancers always have many tasks going on simultaneously. Often, it becomes complicated to keep track of completed and remaining tasks. Trello is the perfect platform for team and personal projects.
The best part is you can get notifications as soon as a job is assigned, completed, or approved by the clients. The teams can add cards for each task, from portfolio to work samples, and so on.
Here you need to move cards from one position to another.
Google Drive
Google has been a king of the cloud since the beginning. It provides you with the flexibility to access your documents anywhere anytime. The documents, images, and files on google drive can be accessed on any computer.
Usually, clients want their articles on their publishing website, but clients often prefer sharing via google drive as it makes editing convenient.
Also, one can easily place their comments and make things look more efficient.
Need an assistant to keep track of everything and keep everything on a single platform. Well! Here it is “Evernote” is a perfect place to archive notes, save resources from the internet for writing, save audio messages, and keep everything in rhythm. The characteristic which makes this more important and interesting is you have no chance to get lost. You can pick up from the last time where you left without missing a beat.
Dragon Dictation
Hey! Are you friends with Alexa, Siri, and GoogleHome. Then, you will indeed find this highly useful, primarily when you can’t type. All you have to do is tap and start speaking. The app helps transcribe voice into text.
It’s best for social media writer’s who get ideas on the go. Now, you don’t lose any idea! All you have to do is sign up for Dragon dictation, and you are good to go.
Sign up to these apps for smooth work schedule and massive productivity.