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How to become a Content Writer in India?

Content Writer in India

Content writing is one of the most exciting jobs in India because it offers you knowledge, experience and money at the same time. Content writing companies helps one to develop good vocabulary and lingual skills that make it more beneficial for the writers as well as the content writing companies.

Content Writers in India have experienced a lot of things in the market which has helped them in grooming and growing their skills according to the demands.

There are a lot of hurdles that hamper a person from being a content writer in India.

The goal of content writing is to solve problems for a specific audience. Because you’re solving problems, you’re truly providing value to this group of people. And when you provide value to this group of people, you earn their trust, which is a crucial component of developing a brand.
This is crucial to comprehend because wannabe writers either approach content production as a way to appease the search engines or become frightened by the expectation that they must be original.
Both ways are incorrect, in our opinion, because if you only focus on stuffing keywords into your text, you are not giving any value to your audience, and content creation is usually more about utility than originality.

What do you need to be an established content writer?

Create a portfolio

One portfolio can do wonders for you. If you are a new content writer then there are fewer chances to win the trust of people. You just have to make it certain to win their trust in any way you can and one way is the portfolio through which you can showcase your capabilities and strength. Content writing companies easily hire people who have an impressive portfolio of work.

If you have entered this industry, just maintain the quality of your work and come up with new ideas according to the context of the content. You can also attach any certificates regarding your writing capabilities.

If you are a content writer in India, Few blog posts and research articles can also do some magic to attract clients. A good portfolio can help you grow and earn as soon as you join the industry.



Start on Fiverr and Upwork

Fiverr and Upwork are just the perfect platform for content writers in India. It connects you to a world full of writers and assigners. Upwork has been the most popular platform for years because of its efficiency. It is obvious that you can’t just expect work after putting an account there. You have to put some actual work and efforts into these platforms to hope for work. Most of the content writing companies do find out their new faces on the platform and they can give you long-term contracts and certificates which can enhance you as a content writer. You can also offer free work to clients in exchange for good reviews but you know what’s a win-win?

Getting as real as you can and fetch work from your samples that you would have added in your portfolio or account display.

Try to fetch qualified clients as they wish to have long agreements with the writers that can keep you employed and experienced for a greater number of days. Go and try out these freelance platforms now.

Qualifications for being a Content writer in India

This is really shocking that there are no such qualifications to be a content writer in India. Because in our country, most of the work requires some kind of degree more than skills. Content writing is free from any sort of degree or qualification. There are both, Science and art in content writing so writers do need basic education to understand how content works.

Content writing is always confused with creative writing. Content writing and creative writing are completely different and require a different level of skills. Content writing in India is more about utility and awareness than creation and entertainment.

Content writing companies hire writers who understand the difference of different stages of writing and is capable to attain it even if he or she is not holding any degree that is why most of the teens who are currently pursuing education seek more opportunities to be a content writer or a freelancer as it provides money and knowledge to ones who pursue it.

Facebook and other social media platforms

Facebook has gained popularity since 2007 as it was the only app through which people were able to connect with the world and old school friends and astonishingly Facebook is still one of the most leading platforms on the social platforms. It is one of the most efficient apps in order to promote any work, news, information, entertainment and motivation. The world is connected to Facebook which makes it the most reliable and leading app. Mark Zuckerberg has added a lot of features to the app since 2007. It has a feature to create a group. One can identify a lot of fan groups, confession groups, workgroups, job-fetching groups on Facebook through which worldwide people are connected to each other.

These groups can help you find your clients who are interested in your work. Every client dreams of work that is free of errors and full of quality at the minimum wage and if you provide them with it. You can be the next face to a lot of content writing companies and can seek a lot of work offers on Fiverr or Upwork.

We should not underestimate the power of such social media platforms in content writing. Content writers in India pay less attention to these platforms and do not try to promote themselves which do not help them growing fast so connecting to the virtual world can always seek you out something if you are alert about your payment or the clients/ companies who are hiring you.



Apply for content writing companies with openings

Always keep an eye on the content writing companies which are finding out full-time content writers. It is surely tough to get hired as a full-time content writer but you can always pitch that to be their one freelancer content writer till, they do not find their full-time content writer.

If you are lucky, You can definitely be their full-time content writer but as a freelancer.

This does contain content writing companies but digital marketing agencies and advertising agencies are no less. You can work in these agencies to brush up your skills but one cannot rely on such companies much in the matter of payment and environment. The one benefit that content writing companies do provide you is that they pay you timely, and they might grant you a certificate for your work and there are lesser chances of overtime of work and exploitation.

The average salary of a content writer in India

India is a populous nation full of competition.  Everyone is better than everyone in any field including science or arts or on the basis of knowledge. It is hard to overtake people who are already racing for one post or job. There is a saying that the comfort of a job and monthly income can turn a human addictive but what If we stop seeing content writing as a job but an opportunity that does offer little money too.

If you are completely into content writing then you can expect a good amount of money but it can always vary.

A pioneer can be offered 10k to 15k per month and can be offered 25k in some other place according to the range of work and the hours one is putting into it.

After few years into content writing, You can also be offered 40k to 44k which will be surely a changing point in your life if you are financially unstable or unemployed. Content writing is vast and it can be very hard to estimate how much pay one should get but surely you will get minimum wages in the industry and won’t get exploited by any means.


Like most of the things in life, Becoming a Content writer can also take some time and can even be a bit stressful but one should always try to achieve whatever he or she dreams of.

The more you read, The better writer you become. Till you aren’t hired by any content writing company, Do practise your grammar and vocabulary to become a good future content writer in India. Just start your journey today.

You’re not attempting to become a New York Times best-selling novelist; instead, you’re attempting to solve problems through content. You don’t need to be innovative for this; instead, you’ll need to learn how to listen and comprehend your audience’s difficulties. And you don’t have to go all Shashi Tharoor on it by using fancy terms. When writing content, clarity is what you should strive for. When you have clarity, you’ll be able to express it straightforwardly, which is considerably more appealing than trying to seem fancy and jargon-filled.

We hope enjoy reading this blog post.

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